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The 11th International

Management Information
Systems Conference

October 24-26, 2024
Konya Food and Agriculture University, Konya, TÜRKİYE

Doctoral Consortium

As part of the IMISC2024 Conference, TRAIS organizes  PhD Consortium in  October 24, 2024 PhD Consortium. The IMISC PhD Consortium aims to facilitate a collective and constructive environment where PhD students currently working on theses in the field of Management Information Systems can share their work and receive constructive feedback.

The PhD Consortium will be held at Konya Food and Agriculture University campus on October 24, 2024 between 14:00-17:00.

The Doctoral Consortium Committee invites candidates to the consortium. Eligible candidates must be registered at a University in Turkey. Each faculty/school/doctoral program can nominate candidates and must guarantee appropriate funds for the student to attend the main conference with the doctoral consortium. In the consortium, the chamber and the board are provided with the support of the IMISC2024 Organizing Committee, while the candidates who will apply to the consortium must register with IMISC2024 as a student.

We are waiting for the applications of YBS 2024 PhD Candidates!

Co-Chairs of the PhD Consortium

  • Prof Dr. Meltem Özturan, Boğaziçi University, TRAIS Board Member, Founding President
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr.Mehmet Aydın, Kadir Has University, TRAIS Board Member, President

Consortium Members*

  • Dr. Nuri Başoğlu, İYTE
  • Dr. Sevinç Gülseçen, İstanbul University
  • Öğretim Üyesi Aysun Bozanta Hakyemez, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
  • Dr. Üstün Özen, Atatürk University
  • Öğretim Üyesi Nazım Taşkın, Boğaziçi University
  • Dr. Vahap Tecim, Dokuz Eylül University
  • *pending for approval


Participant Benefits

Networking, experiences in academic careers in MIS, information on academic staff and publishing articles in leading journals.

Nomination Requirements and Application Procedure

The consortium is designed for students who wish to advance their thesis research. Students who have completed or are about to finish their thesis by October 2024 will not be accepted. Some requirements must be met:

A student must be nominated by a PhD advisor. Each faculty / school / doctoral program can select PhD students for the PhD Consortium. Self-nominations by students will not be considered. The Candidacy Letter must be written by the doctoral advisor.


The nomination application must include the following:

  • IMISC2023 Candidacy Letter

  • PhD Thesis Proposal File


Application Details

You can make the application by filling out the form at the link address. Applications can be made until October 15. Applications will be evaluated in the order of application.

About the Thesis Proposal File:

Thesis proposal document should cover the research question or topic, a rationale for the  importance of the research, presenting the theoretical basis and context of the research, a description of the research approach and method, preliminary findings, and expected contributions to the literature. When preparing a presentation, we encourage PhD students to reflect on the following questions

  • What makes my research particularly appealing to me?

  • For discipline?

  • For practice?

  • How can I verify that my research results will match the objectives of the thesis?

  • How can I show that the results of my work will contribute to the advancement of the field?