İkinci Banner Resmi

The 11th International

Management Information
Systems Conference

October 24-26, 2024

Konya Food and Agriculture University, Konya, Türkiye
IMISC2024 has been entitled by TÜBİTAK's 2223-B Grant Program for Organizing Scientific Events within the Country.

The IMISC is a pre-eminent avenue for academics, researchers and practioners worldwide to exchange ideas for facilitating continued progress in the study, development and use of Management Information Systems. This year the conference is being held at Konya Food and Agriculture University, Konya, with the main theme as "Digital Agriculture" and there are different tracks covering a wide range of topics related to Management Information Systems. We look forward to your submissions and hope to see you there this October.

Invited Speakers

Demir Murat Aksoy

Demir Murat Aksoy

CEO, Cropto Agriculture Tokens
Ali Eşelioğlu

Ali Eşelioğlu

CEO, CoinTR Kripto Borsası
Ozan Demirel

Ozan Demirel

Smart Soil Tarım Teknolojileri Genel Müdür
Mehmet Ünal

Mehmet Ünal



Agriculture Writer
Doç. Dr. Sevim Seda Yamaç

Doç. Dr. Sevim Seda Yamaç

Necmettin Erbakan University Ereğli Faculty of Agriculture Department of Biosystems Engineering
Prof.Dr.Zümrüt Ecevit Satı

Prof.Dr.Zümrüt Ecevit Satı

İstanbul Üniversitesi
Prof. Dr. Bilgin METİN

Prof. Dr. Bilgin METİN

Boğaziçi University
Prof. Dr. Meltem ÖZTURAN

Prof. Dr. Meltem ÖZTURAN

Boğaziçi University
Prof. Dr. Sevinç GÜLSEÇEN

Prof. Dr. Sevinç GÜLSEÇEN

İstanbul University
Prof. Dr. Türksel KAYA BENSGHİR

Prof. Dr. Türksel KAYA BENSGHİR

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
Prof. Dr. Haldun AKPINAR

Prof. Dr. Haldun AKPINAR

Marmara University
Prof. Dr. Vahap TECİM

Prof. Dr. Vahap TECİM

Dokuz Eylül University
Prof.Dr.Nuri Başoğlu

Prof.Dr.Nuri Başoğlu

İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Institute
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Nafiz AYDIN

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Nafiz AYDIN

Kadir Has University
Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağla ÖZEN

Asst. Prof. Dr. Çağla ÖZEN

Yeditepe University
Çiğdem Tarhan

Çiğdem Tarhan

Dokuz Eylul University